Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse


Category: Healing and Recovery

Recover from Emotional Abuse Trauma
Emotional Abuse

How to Recover from Emotional Abuse Trauma

Does every situation feel threatening to you? Do you constantly question your own thoughts and feelings? Do you feel easily overwhelmed, or find yourself withdrawing

Narcissist Really Change
Narcissistic Personalities

Can a Narcissist Really Change?

Dr. David Hawkins revisits the question, “Can a Narcissist Really Change?” He shares some of the research on this topic, as well as new theories

pillars needed for change
Healing and Recovery

The 5 Pillars Needed for Change

Dr. David Hawkins breaks down for you the five pillars needed for change in order to determine whether healing is possible for the narcissist in

Emotional Safety
Healing and Recovery

How to Create your Own Emotional Safety

Do you think it’s your partner’s responsibility to make you feel safe, to allow you to be vulnerable in your relationship? Or is it your

Forgive Yourself
Healing and Recovery

Learn How to Forgive Yourself

When people find themselves in a bad situation, for example, a bad relationship, people either blame the other person, or they blame themselves. Dr. Lenne’

Joy in Difficult Circumstances
Healing and Recovery

How to Find Joy in Difficult Circumstances

There’s an expectation around the holidays that all is merry and bright. But the reality is, for people experiencing emotional abuse it’s anything but. In

Accountability Partner Can Help You
Healing and Recovery

How an Accountability Partner Can Help You Transform!

Accountability is one of the most important requirements to any kind of sustained, long-term change and growth. But many people don’t really understand what accountability

Safe Place in EMDR
Healing and Recovery

How to Use Safe Place in EMDR

We’ve been talking about the power of EMDR to help clients overcome trauma and experience freedom from a past or ongoing event that they just

The Path to Emotional Maturity
Healing and Recovery

The Path to Emotional Maturity

The Path to Emotional Maturity Emotional maturity is a journey that many individuals embark upon to find healing and hope in their relationships. Dr. David


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