Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse


Category: Relationships


How To Communicate Your Feelings

Have you ever been so emotionally overwhelmed that when you attempt to communicate your feelings with your spouse, you end up saying all the wrong


Understanding Infidelity

Cheating, infidelity, unfaithfulness, and affair; all words that are taboo in society yet becoming more and more commonplace. Movies, music, TV, and social media all

Dr. David Hawkins

Maintaining Hope When Things Seem Hopeless

“My wife left me two days ago.”  “My husband says he wants a divorce.” “I don’t know what to do, please can you help me?”

How do you control your anger during conflict?

How To Control Your Anger During Conflict

Do you have a question or concern about your relationship that you’d like us to address? Our Ask Us series answers reader-submitted questions.

Narcissism Intervention
Emotional Abuse

Intervention for a Narcissist

Q: My husband has narcissistic personality traits and has been told by a pastor that he is actually on the disorder side of the spectrum.

Dealing with Conflict During the Holidays

5 Ways to Navigate Holiday Conflict

Very few of us like to admit it, but the holidays aren’t always the most wonderful time of the year for everyone. Even so, we

Victim of Covert Abuse
Dr. David Hawkins

8 Ways to Spot A Covert Abuser

Many people think of emotional abuse as slamming doors and throwing things, yelling and making threats—anything that is intended to intimidate another person. And certainly,

Men Who Are Abused
Emotional Abuse

5 Myths About Men Who Are Abused

Our culture is a hard place to be a man, and even harder for men who are abused. The models of manhood we hold up

mid-life crisis

How To Navigate a Mid-Life Crisis

It was Socrates who famously said that the “unexamined life is not worth living”. So is a mid-life crisis just bound to happen to everyone


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