Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse

Let's Partner Together

True, lasting healing requires a multi-faceted approach involving collaboration between different organizations that all have a unique role to play in the recovery process.  

Learn how we can partner together.


Emotional Abuse: The Silent Epidemic

Why do we call it the silent epidemic? Because few people know how to recognize and treat this growing problem.  Even the people experiencing it don’t know what is happening to them or how to stop it, so it continues to go undetected and unreported, and countless individuals and marriages continue to suffer in silence.  The result is a crisis of epic proportions in the emotional, mental and spiritual  health of individuals, along with the deterioration of marriages and families.

1 in 3 People Are Being Emotionally Abused

Can you recognize the signs of covert emotional abuse? Without the proper training and tools to recognize and treat emotional abuse, you may be causing further harm on the very people who are looking to you for help.

Below are some resources to help equip you to better understand and navigate the complex world of narcissism and covert emotional abuse.

Dr. Hawkins and Sharmen Kimbrough share insights and lessons learned from their many years of treating narcissism and emotional abuse within the context of high conflict relationships.

A resource to help you grow in discernment to be able to recognize and understand both the overt and subtle dynamics of emotional abuse within the context of relationships.

Dr Hawkins headshot B

Dr. Hawkins and members of his team are available for small and large group trainings, seminars and speaking engagements.  Topics can be customized to fit your needs, including Treating Narcissism and Emotional Abuse: The Path to Restoration,  Covert abuse, Secondary abuse, Healing marriage wounds, and much more.  

For more information, please email katie@marriagerecoverycenter.com

Learn More About The Different Types of Abuse