Is Emotional Abuse Contagious?
Many people believe that if you are around a certain type of person long enough, you will eventually become like them. While personality disorders are
Many people believe that if you are around a certain type of person long enough, you will eventually become like them. While personality disorders are
Emotional abuse is often overlooked: there are no physical bruises or markings to prove the abuse is happening. Dr. David Hawkins discusses the ways in
Our brains like to try to make sense of the world by looking for patterns and trying to make things fit within what we know
Dr. David Hawkins speaks about the silent sufferers: those who have kept quiet about their pain and trauma because others doubt their experiences and opinions.
Dr. Lenne’ Hunt sits down to explain the truth about emotional abuse and what’s happening in your relationship behind closed doors. One of the common
When couples go for marriage counseling, it’s easy to get sucked into the presenting issues which are merely the symptoms of the real issues. What
Narcissists are unable to recognize the ways they are emotionally abusive in their relationships because their attachment to their self-regard and pride takes precedence over
Does every situation feel threatening to you? Do you constantly question your own thoughts and feelings? Do you feel easily overwhelmed, or find yourself withdrawing
Dr. Hawkins explains how to navigate through emotionally abusive relationships and emphasizes the importance of extrication and reconnecting with your sense of self as one
Narcissism can be a way of protecting one’s self from emotions they would rather not confront. After all, it is easier to avoid taking responsibility
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