Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse


Category: Emotional Abuse

Dangers of Therapy for Emotional Abuse
Emotional Abuse

The Dangers of Therapy for Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse, especially at the hands of a narcissist, leaves deep and lasting scars. For many victims, the idea of entering or reentering therapy for

Is Denial A Form of Gaslighting
Dr. David Hawkins

Is Denial A Form of Gaslighting?

In the complex world of relationships, particularly those involving emotional abuse, there is a recurring pattern often observed. This pattern involves the emotional abuser, frequently

Emotionally Absent
Dr. David Hawkins

Is Your Spouse Emotionally Absent?

Emotional laziness in a relationship can be devastating. When one partner fails to show up emotionally, the entire relationship suffers. Dr. David Hawkins explores what

How to Heal Emotional Abuse
Emotional Abuse

How to Heal Emotional Abuse in Three Stages

Emotional abuse is a devastating experience that leaves deep scars on its victims. Healing from such trauma requires a thoughtful and structured approach. In this

How to Know If It Is Emotional Abuse
Dr. David Hawkins

How to Know If It Is Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can be subtle, insidious, and difficult to recognize, especially when it occurs within close relationships. It’s essential to distinguish between a one-off incident

Dangers of Emotional Abuse Trauma
Emotional Abuse

What are the Dangers of Emotional Abuse Trauma?

Emotional abuse trauma can have profound and lasting effects on individuals, often leaving them trapped in a cycle of familiarity with the pain and distress


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