Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse


Category: Emotional Abuse

Dr. David Hawkins

Narcissism = Emotional Immaturity

I am spending increasing amounts of time with my five grandchildren. They are at the same time delightful, charming, engaging, manipulative, deceptive and self-centered. They

Emotional Abuse

What are the Biblical Grounds for Divorce?

One question I frequently hear is, “Are there biblical ground for divorce?”  Sure, there are.  But, I would encourage you to first consider what sinful


Is emotional abuse contagious?

“I can’t believe the way I act toward my husband,” a client told me recently. “I speak in ways I never used to. I call

How to spot a covert abuser
Dr. David Hawkins

How to Spot A Covert Abuser

The church was a large part of my childhood. Raised by hard-working parents, I lived in “small town America,” in a neighborhood with other families

Dr. David Hawkins

Overcoming Narcissism and Emotional Abuse

What makes a woman ready to give up safety, security and marriage in order to preserve her sanity? What has happened to bring her to

Emotional Abuse

When You Feel Alone

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” -C.S.Lewis Anna used

Dr. David Hawkins

Seven Things She Wants Him To Know

At this stage of my career I’ve had thousands of cries for help from women who have been narcissistically and emotionally abused. Most feel helpless


How She is Harmed

  Derek, a thirty-nine year old, burly man, an electrician by trade, sat perplexed in front of me. His wife had left him several months


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