Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse


Category: Dr. David Hawkins

Stop Fighting in Your Marriage
Intensive Marriage Counseling

How to Stop Fighting in Your Marriage

Dr. David Hawkins, Director of The Marriage Recovery Center, discusses ways to stop fighting in your marriage. He discusses the importance of managing your emotions,

Effects of Coping
Healing and Recovery

What are the Harmful Effects of Coping

Coping is often seen as a good thing. But might it actually be bad for you? Coping mechanisms often hide underlying issues, and when left

Passive-Aggressive Narcissist
Narcissistic Personalities

The Passive-Aggressive Narcissist Explained

A passive-aggressive narcissist chooses to express their resentment or hostility indirectly, creating a disconnect between what they say and do. This is one of the

Couples Counseling
Intensive Marriage Counseling

How Couples Counseling can Help a Narcissist

Dr. David B Hawkins, director of the Marriage Recovery Center shares how individual counseling with NPD is rarely effective. Rather, a combination of individual and

Why are Narcissists so Weak
Narcissistic Personalities

Why are Narcissists so Weak in Character?

Dr. David Hawkins explains why are narcissists so weak and suggests that narcissism is largely an effort at protecting a weak, insecure ego. He suggests

Marital Intervention
Intensive Marriage Counseling

What is the Purpose of Marital Intervention

Dr. David Hawkins discusses the purpose of a marital intervention and what it will take to finally get the answer to the question you’ve been

Covert Emotional Abuse
Emotional Abuse

What is Covert Emotional Abuse?

Emotional Abuse is a rampant problem both nationally and globally. With the story of Jennifer Willoughby, along other brave women sharing their stories, the topic

When Pleasing Him is Hurting You

When Pleasing Him is Hurting You

This Relatrick concerns women who are stuck trying to change their man. Frazzled and exhausted, Dr. Hawkins tells them they are trying too hard. In

covert abuse
Emotional Abuse

The Truth Behind Covert Abuse Exposed

Do you feel like you’re living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? He’s jovial, likeable, well respected Mr. Nice Guy….until he’s not. Dr. Hawkins exposes


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