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Therapeutic Healing Process

Do you ever feel like your marriage is adrift, with no one guiding the ship? Do you know something is wrong, but no one tells you exactly what the problem is or exactly what is needed to heal the problem? Have you tried to get help but it seems that it is too little, too late?

Feeling Helpless and Hopeless

Terry and Stephen are in that situation, both feeling helpless and hopeless. Both blame the other for their marriage problems, yet both also sense that someone needs to come in and guide them along a path of healing.

Married for fifteen years with two young children in the home, they have been fighting off and on for the duration of their marriage. Like many others who reach out to me for help, they have been to counseling several times with little change.

Terry has reached a breaking point. She decided to separate in the hopes that she could “catch her breath.” She wants more than that, of course. She wants to break free of the incessant bickering and determine a healthier direction for their marriage.

“We’ve tried counseling… All I know is that we aren’t making any progress and I can’t live that way any longer.”

Terry and Stephen are normal. They are typical of most couples struggling to find direction. Both feel discouraged and desperate to find answers, yet the opinions they’ve received from pastors, marriage counselors, physicians, and friends are confusing to them. The direction they’ve received is conflicting and unclear. Furthermore, both have the sense that no one has really looked into the inner workings of their marriage and named the problems and severity of them.

Terry and Stephen are now separated and I am consulting both of them individually. Terry refuses to enter back into marriage counseling and Stephen feels desperate to save their marriage. Terry wants time to reflect and consider her options.

“We’ve tried counseling,” Terry told me in a phone consultation. “No one can tell me exactly what to do. All I know is that we aren’t making any progress and I can’t live that way any longer.”

“What guidance have you been given?” I asked.

“I’ve been told a lot of different things,” she said. “My girlfriends support me and my parents tell me I shouldn’t have to live this way, but there is really no one who has stepped in to guide me.”

In talking to Stephen, he has much the same story. “She is intent on separation, and I don’t know exactly what I need to do to save our marriage. I’m willing to do anything, but she will no longer talk to me. She wants space, so all I can do is wait.”

“But waiting alone won’t save your marriage, Stephen,” I said. “There are problems in your marriage that need attention. Waiting is very unlikely to bring clarity and direction.”

In separate conversations with Stephen and Terry, I recommended the Therapeutic Healing Process. I described to them the following scenario:

“I will meet with you both for several hours, taking a thorough history and arriving at a conclusion as to what you each bring to the marriage problems. I will listen to you share what you believe you do to sabotage intimacy as well as what you believe your mate does that creates problems. I will bring my expertise to bear on what I hear and what I believe needs to happen. Then we will gather for the purpose of healing those wounds and learning to speak to each other in a healthy manner. After several individual and couples’ sessions, utilizing new skills, you both will be in a better position to decide how you want to proceed. At the least, we will have a clear direction for your marriage, and at the most, we will have direction and healing for the wounds created in your marriage.”

As I talked to Terry and Stephen, I reminded them of the Biblical truths we had to follow. “Solomon nailed it,” I said, “when he said there are seven things the Lord hates. I’d like to suggest these seven things be avoided at all costs: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.” (Proverbs 6: 16-19)

Both agreed that these truths would be a backdrop to our work. Terry was particularly cautious but willing to proceed. “We’ve haven’t really had that kind of direction,” she shared anxiously. “I don’t want to fight with him anymore. I can’t take it. I’m willing to give this a try.”

“There will be no fighting, Terry,” I said. “Our sessions will be highly structured and you both will agree to be prayerful and listen to each other.”

Stephen was hopeful and wanted to proceed. If you would like to begin the Therapeutic Healing Process or have any questions about The Marriage Recovery Center, please contact our Client Care Team.

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