Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse


Tag: David Daroff

A Fresh Start

Safeguard Your Marriage with a Check Up

Just like an annual physical is a preventative measure for early detection of disease, an annual relationship check-up is a preventative measure that can be

Is narcissism treatable
David Daroff

Is Narcissism Treatable?

Is narcissism treatable?  This is a topic that stirs up a lot of controversy and a question that we get asked often. As a therapist

A real man

What it Means to Be a Real Man

Growing up in the United States, I learned that a “real man” was supposed to be tough, self-sufficient, strong, smart, rich, and desired by women.

thinking errors God wants to transform

14 Common Thinking Errors

Most people assume they have clear thinking. They believe their thoughts are logical. Therefore, when people disagree with them, they think it is everyone else

Healing and Recovery

How We Deceive Ourselves

Do you ever find yourself acting contrary to what you know is good or what you really want to be about? Or perhaps you know


You Reap What You Sow

I learned long ago the rule “garbage in, garbage out.” In other words, you usually get out what you put in. It is the idea

Emotional Abuse

What are the Biblical Grounds for Divorce?

One question I frequently hear is, “Are there biblical ground for divorce?”  Sure, there are.  But, I would encourage you to first consider what sinful


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