Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse

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Tag: Core Self

Men Who Are Abused
Emotional Abuse

5 Myths About Men Who Are Abused

Our culture is a hard place to be a man, and even harder for men who are abused. The models of manhood we hold up

A real man

What it Means to Be a Real Man

Growing up in the United States, I learned that a “real man” was supposed to be tough, self-sufficient, strong, smart, rich, and desired by women.

Cultural Narcissism Today

Cultural Narcissism in the US Today

As with all things evil, the origin of narcissism can be found at the fall of Eden. We see there our father and mother, Adam

thinking errors God wants to transform

14 Common Thinking Errors

Most people assume they have clear thinking. They believe their thoughts are logical. Therefore, when people disagree with them, they think it is everyone else

Emotional Abuse and the Assault on Reality
Emotional Abuse

Emotional Abuse: An Assault On Reality

This article is part of a series that examines different aspects of emotional abuse.  I will focus on one of the primary control strategies of


Fight, Flight, Freeze or Flow

I watched Jennifer grow pale as her husband of three years—his third marriage—stonewalled her. Thirty-seven years old, vivacious and lively, she had suffered from a


Getting to the Core

God’s Plan for Healthy Relating We usually can sense when things are not right in our relationships. God created us with an innate need to


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