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Category: Dr. David Hawkins

Dr. David Hawkins

Joy in the Moment

There is something I’d like you to do today: Think about enjoying the moment for what it is. I know this sounds crazy when you’re

Dr. David Hawkins

A New Path Forward

“I’ve got several clients right now who feel like they’re the “man down,” meaning they know they’ve really messed things up and are trying to

Dr. David Hawkins

Are You In a Reactive Relationship?

The majority of the couples that come to the Marriage Recovery Center are in a reactive state of mind. They’ve come to a place where

Dr. David Hawkins

The Destructive Power of Thinking Errors

Fortunately, there are many thinking errors we can make in our marriage and survive. We can overreact in anger at times and receive forgiveness. We can


Getting to the Core

God’s Plan for Healthy Relating We usually can sense when things are not right in our relationships. God created us with an innate need to

Dr. David Hawkins

Divorce is NOT the only option

We recently had a couple at the Marriage Recovery Center who stated from the beginning that they truly despised each other. Their past was full

Dr. David Hawkins

Can Your Marriage Survive an Affair?

Have you experienced an affair in your marriage? Do you feel hopeless that your marriage will survive this trauma? Do you find yourself to be bitter


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