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Category: Dr. David Hawkins


Is emotional abuse contagious?

“I can’t believe the way I act toward my husband,” a client told me recently. “I speak in ways I never used to. I call

How to spot a covert abuser
Dr. David Hawkins

How to Spot A Covert Abuser

The church was a large part of my childhood. Raised by hard-working parents, I lived in “small town America,” in a neighborhood with other families


Fight, Flight, Freeze or Flow

I watched Jennifer grow pale as her husband of three years—his third marriage—stonewalled her. Thirty-seven years old, vivacious and lively, she had suffered from a

Dr. David Hawkins

Tend to Your Garden

You’ve been utterly, completely empty and dry. Nothing left to give because your husband has consumed everything of value from you. Everything you once thrived

Dr. David Hawkins

Leaving Shame Behind

“Many of you start your story by saying, “It has taken me a year (or more) to get the courage to speak up about this.

Dr. David Hawkins

Finding Refuge

When I was finishing up my grad degree, one of my professors had us do an exercise meant to help us find “grounding” when life

Dr. David Hawkins

The Heart Says It All

In this Thrive Session, Dr. Hawkins answers the question, “What can I expect of him?” He explains seven factors to watch for that will indicate


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