Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse


Category: Communication

help your Kids Cope with Separation

How to help your Kids Cope with Separation

There are many challenges that parents face when dealing with an emotionally abusive partner. What do you tell your children, and how do you help

why is it hard to talk to a narcissist

Why is it Hard to Talk to a Narcissist?

In this video Dr. David B. Hawkins, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, talks about his recent conversation with a Narcissist. He shares the discouragement of trying to

How do you control your anger during conflict?

How To Control Your Anger During Conflict

Do you have a question or concern about your relationship that you’d like us to address? Our Ask Us series answers reader-submitted questions.

Dealing with Conflict During the Holidays

5 Ways to Navigate Holiday Conflict

Very few of us like to admit it, but the holidays aren’t always the most wonderful time of the year for everyone. Even so, we


How To Communicate Your Feelings

Have you ever been so emotionally overwhelmed that when you attempt to communicate your feelings with your spouse, you end up saying all the wrong


Speaking the Truth in Love

Let’s face it, sharing our concerns with our spouse can sometimes feel like walking into a landmine! On the one hand, there must be complete


When Coping is Killing You

Coping is always a good thing, right? No, not necessarily. We’ve always been taught that coping with difficulty is a sign of strength. But what


Finding Sanity in the Age of COVID-19

You may never have looked at it this way, but relationships have personalities, just like people do. Some are calm, durable, steady, and comfortable; others


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