Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse


Category: Dr. David Hawkins

How Much Improvement your Marriage Really Needs
Intensive Marriage Counseling

How Much Improvement your Marriage Really Needs?

Are you seeking small improvements in your marriage, or do you need a major overhaul? Or are you perhaps “settling” instead of seeking what you

Bring Change in an Abusive Marriage
Emotional Abuse

How to Bring Change in an Abusive Marriage

Dr. David B. Hawkins, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Director of The Marriage Recovery Center, shares how to best bring about change in an abusive marriage.

de-Escalate an Angry Situation
Healing and Recovery

How to de-Escalate an Angry Situation

Dr. David Hawkins, Director of The Marriage Recovery Center, talks with David Daroff, MA, about how to de-escalate an angry situation with a mate. They

Manhood and Vulnerability

The Concept of Manhood and Vulnerability

American culture paints a picture of manhood as being tough, untouchable, stoic, and indestructible. But is that what being a “real man” is truly about?

Save Your Marriage in 5 Steps
Intensive Marriage Counseling

How to Save Your Marriage in 5 Steps

Is your marriage on the rocks? Has your spouse said those dreaded words “I want out”? Dr. Hawkins talks about how to save your marriage

Dangers of Assuming Motives

The Dangers of Assuming Motives

One mistake couples often make in a relationship is to assume that they know the reason or the motive behind something their partner did or

Is Emotional Abuse Contagious
Emotional Abuse

Is Emotional Abuse Contagious?

Many people believe that if you are around a certain type of person long enough, you will eventually become like them. While personality disorders are


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