Leading Authority in Treatment of Narcissism and Emotional Abuse


Category: Communication


Overcoming Financial Stress in Blended Families

Allianz, an insurance and investment company, many blended families tend to be more financially challenged than non-blended families, more likely to live paycheck to paycheck,


A Woman Scorned

By the time most couples seek help with their marriage, anger is a profound element of the relationship. I’ve also noticed, however, that it’s common


When Scripture is Used to Abuse

God never forces anyone to be in relationship with Him. Never. The whole idea of love is that it is an invitation. The moment a


Money and Relationship Manipulation

Is money important to us? Does it influence us? Most people would agree that money is a powerful motivator that can be used for good


Are you talking down to your spouse?

Do you talk down to your spouse and then become surprised when they snap at you or give you the silent treatment? Years ago, I


You might need solo therapy if…

Here at the Marriage Recovery Center, our primary mission is to bring struggling couples closer together and teach them the necessary tools to promote long-term


The Power of Words

Miscommunication is not necessarily what destroys a marriage. What comes out of your mouth simply reflects what’s in your heart. But, not being able to


Fight, Flight, Freeze or Flow

I watched Jennifer grow pale as her husband of three years—his third marriage—stonewalled her. Thirty-seven years old, vivacious and lively, she had suffered from a


Could Online Therapy Work For Me?

Have you ever seen a man and woman together in a restaurant who are more engaged with their phones than they are with each other? 


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