The Path to Emotional Healing Starts Here...

Book your 15-minute free consultation now

and begin your journey to reclaim your life and discover emotional freedom!

We’re So Glad You’re Here!

If you’re seeking answers and guidance for your relationship, you’re in the right place. We specialize in helping individuals and couples navigate complex, deeply entrenched relationship challenges, heal from emotional abuse, and build healthy connections.

Take the First Step Toward Healing

The first step in this process is to simply book a free 15-minute call with one of our trained Client Care Specialists. During this call, we’ll listen to your story and help you explore your options for how to move to the next step in your healing journey.

What You Can Expect:

  • Someone Who Understands: Our Client Care Specialists are trained to ask the right questions to help us understand your needs and unique challenges.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Based on your needs, we’ll suggest the best clinician or program for you.
  • Clear Next Steps: We’ll answer your questions and provide all the information you need to make an informed decision about your next steps.

Who Is This For?

You will find this call especially helpful if:

  • You’re feeling lost or stuck in your relationship.
  • Emotional abuse or narcissistic tendencies are harming your relationship.
  • You’re ready to explore solutions and begin your recovery journey.

How to Prepare for Your Call:

  • Look for a confirmation email: After booking, you’ll receive an email with more information, including some videos to help you understand our process.
  • Find a Quiet Space: On the day of your call, choose a comfortable, private place where you can speak openly with the Client Care Specialist who will be calling you at the scheduled time.

No Obligation, Just Support

This call is completely free and carries no obligation. It’s an opportunity to explore your options and see if our programs are the right fit for you.

Why Choose Us Over Other Providers That Accept Insurance?

We’re not one of those big, impersonal conglomerate mental health companies that contract with hundreds of therapists.  Think of us as a smaller, boutique company that offers specialized services tailored to your specific set of circumstances and needs. Our clinicians have decades of experience, and we are the leading authority in the treatment of narcissistic and emotional abuse, an emerging field that few professionals are trained in.

We bill our clients directly and choose not to work with insurance companies so that we can offer a customized experience that prioritizes your needs, unencumbered by complicated and bureaucratic insurance systems. 

We are happy to discuss any questions you may have about cost and billing during the consultation phone call.

Ready to Begin?

Book your free 15-minute call today and take the first step toward getting some clarity on how to begin to heal your relationship. We’re here to support you every step of the way.